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Marketing Trends 2024

It’s the New Year! And a new year brings forth new trends. In the marketing world, new trends are continually popping up and creating a space for new ideas and opportunities. In the past, traditional marketing techniques reigned. Today, digital marketing has become mainstream, with offline marketing sitting on the sideline, though not completely forgotten.

Now, it’s 2024, and there are plenty of new trends! In this article, we will focus on four of the top trends. These are not listed in any particular order, and the importance of each is equal. Consider adopting these trends in the New Year and see what business growth ensues.

Human Created Content

With the rise of artificial intelligence, many businesses opt to generate their content using this automated technology. It’s quick and easy to produce vast amounts of information in short periods. Human-created content, on the other hand, is written and edited by a human.

Human-created content is generally rich in creativity, emotional intelligence, and personality. This is where AI often falls short and why human-created content will trend in 2024. Not only does human-created range have these characteristics, but it also has some other features that AI-generated content lacks, including:

  • Contextual Understanding: AI uses data to supply each response, inherently lacking contextual information. On the other hand, meaningful contextual understanding is a trait of those willing to write content on their expertise.
  • Cultural Awareness: Cultural awareness is nuanced. Humans are adept at recognizing cultural complexities, whereas AI is not.
  • Ethics: Avoiding plagiarism, creating culturally sensitive content, and ensuring that it does not offend your audience are all critical components of writing ethically sound content. AI cannot fully guarantee ethically based content, yet the sensitivities of being a human can do a better job.
  • Intuition: Another human trait, intuition is a valuable asset in writing content–the writer can use their own experiences and judgments to write the best possible piece. AI doesn’t have that power.
  • Originality: Based on data and patterns, AI content has limits regarding originality. Originality is something humans can utilize to create truly authentic content.
  • Flexibility: Different tones, styles, etc., may need to be used for different audiences or purposes. Flexibility is required to change the technique based on whom you are writing to or what you are writing about. AI does not have the enhanced capability to determine these variations with the same flexibility as a human.

The Social Media Advertising Shift

Social media is a powerful tool for businesses across the globe. Different platforms boast different features and demographics, but within every area of business, there is a social media platform that can be used for advertising.

Let’s take a moment to talk about why businesses utilize social media for their marketing strategy. First and most important is to build brand awareness. Driving sales is another crucial factor that follows brand awareness. Then generating leads is another reason businesses use social media. Finally, another pertinent reason to use social media for business is to increase your website’s traffic. Social media marketing is a vital component of any marketing strategy in today’s day and age. Now, we will discuss some available platforms for your advertising needs.

Facebook, the largest social media platform, is a great place to see ROI in your business. However, the ad prices are significant and not always financially attainable. Many social media platforms offer ads at lower prices. And as such, these platforms will be trending this year.

Our Recommended Platforms for 2024:

  • X (formerly Twitter)
  • Pinterest
  • Snapchat
  • TikTok
  • YouTube

X, formerly Twitter, is a platform geared towards sports, political, and entertainment posts. While other topics are aired, these are a few big ones. Advertising on X, like all of these platforms, is relatively well-priced. Pinterest, an inspiration-based social platform, is great for selling DIY, home/garden, and fashion-related products. Snapchat is used primarily by teenagers. So, if that’s your audience, you’ll want to advertise here. TikTok also has a younger population but features short reels that are great for engaging advertisements. You’ll notice that YouTube is on this list. Despite its size being close to Facebook’s, YouTube’s ad prices are significantly lower. For that reason and this site’s social leverage, it has earned a seat on this list.

Podcasts for Companies

Did you know that 22% of people consume podcasts while driving to and from work? Podcasts are growing in popularity as we enter this new year. In 2023, there were 464.7 million podcast listeners and a projected 504.9 million podcast listeners in 2024. Statistically, that is a big jump.

Let’s take a look at some of the reasons why podcasting can be a great addition to your marketing strategy. First, having a voice in your area of expertise establishes authority. If you offer a service without much power, who will trust you enough to buy your product or service? Second, podcasts allow you to engage with your audience in a way that builds relationships. Having your audience listen and actively engage with each episode is critical to building client relationships. Another reason podcasts are so successful is the ability to market and promote your products. Overall, podcasts are a highly effective way to build an active audience, promote your offerings, show authority, and do so in a relatively inexpensive way.

Marketing Globalization

Many businesses have continued to serve their established region/s for years. This is projected to shift drastically within the year and each following. Expanding your business’ global reach will be vital to accruing more customers and, thus, business. Some benefits of globalizing your business include:

  • Higher ROI
  • Entering new markets
  • Increased revenue
  • Competitive advantage
  • The spreading of risk
  • Different market opportunities
  • Cost savings
  • Positive global recognition

This year, consider branching out to different regions of the world. Not only will you expand your customer base, but you will also diversify your team of employees. Globalization also increases cost efficiency and gives you a competitive advantage.

Keep in mind that there are additional factors to consider regarding globalization. One is the need to invest time, money, and other resources. Human resources and cultural awareness are critical factors in a successful globalization strategy. Adherence to local laws and regulations is essential as well.

2024 Marketing Trends in a Nutshell

To sum everything up, we’ve covered some marketing trends in 2024. Making sure your content has a human touch, above just being generated by an AI bot, was first on our list. Then, we discovered that the second-best social media sites might be better for your advertising needs. They’re more accessible on the wallet and provide good ROI. Then we discussed how podcasts make a good marketing strategy for your business and that marketing moats are shrinking. Last, we covered the importance of globalization. Considering these trends in your marketing plans for the year will give you the competitive edge you’ve been looking for.

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