Guerrilla Marketing Blog

Tips & Tactics from your friends at The Clever Robot!

Mobile Friendly, Responsive Design and Why it Matters

Mobile Friendly, Responsive Design and Why it Matters

April 21st was an important event for us in the tech world, Google rolled out their new mobile-friendly initiative, and potentially changed browsing forever. According to recently published statistics, over 50% of web traffic is done via a mobile device, and it is estimated that mobile browsing will overshadow desktop browsing in the near future. Google is requiring ALL websites be mobile friendly or risk loss of rankings or worse.

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25 Stats About Email Marketing You May Not Know

25 Stats About Email Marketing You May Not Know

To effectively contact customers you want to be able to manage your lists and campaigns, access and edit your email templates, along with having a reliable reporting tool to publish your results. You need a tool that lets you manage your subscribe your lists. Instead of manually selecting or deselecting your client base, you should be able to let your email marketing drive itself and almost run on “auto pilot” if you will.

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Cheap Web Design Winston Salem

Cheap Web Design Winston Salem

Most small businesses don’t have the luxury of big budgets, so they need to make the most of what they have to work with in running their day-to-day operations. This includes designing and maintaining their business website. The first thing most look for when building their websites is cheap web design.

Depending on what type of website you are looking for, if you don’t do careful planning and research when hiring your website designer, the cost can really add up, and after all is said and done it’s possible you end up spending 3-4 times what you had expected to spend.

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Website Design in Winston Salem

Website Design in Winston Salem

You’ve tried working with people maybe overseas or even in different states but for one reason or another you’ve decided to look for a local company for website design in Winston Salem.

Looking for a good company for website design in Winston Salem though, can be a challenge. First you have to find a competent developer.

Usually a simple search on your favorite search engine for website design in Winston Salem will yield some decent results. Placing an ad on Craigslist looking for a website designer is also a great way to locate some local talent.

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      "I don't have time for all this mumbo-jumbo, can I just talk to somebody?"

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